Monday, March 15, 2010

My name is Peter.I grew up in as a Dinka in South Sudan,while our village was being attacked by the arabian army.At one point,they started shooting guns at our villages and burning them so we had to leave our everything behind.Most of the people who tried to escape either died,or were taken as prisoners as most of the woman and girls.Most of the man and boys all ran to the border.Me ,my brothers and my dad were with them,but unforntunamently they "fell down". After days of confusion and struggling to survive, we reached a refugee camp where all of us had to live, all bonded together ,because it was the only thing we had left, eachother. After a few years , all of us got so close together,we were family now.Our stories moved so many people, they helped us with money to go to America,the land of heaven.But what we found there wasn't heaven.It was all struggle, new lifestyle, new language, new values.We've been through a lot of struggle for survival,but this wasn't any better.So i decided to move to Kansas,where i could start my education,star a new life, because with education,i could earn more money later,and send them to my people .Right now im a senior in highschool and I plan on working for a better future for both me and my people.

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