“It must be by his death; and for my part I know no personal cause to spurn at him ,but for the general ,He would be crown’d.” Brutus’s main conflict is deciding to join the conspirators , or not , and kill his loved friend, Caesar, but only for the best of Rome , not for personal causes, or at least that is what he is driven to think by one of his friends, Cassius. Brutus is one of the most noble and honorable men ,which is devoted to his country so much, that he would slay his best friend , and himself for a better and happier Rome.
Noble Brutus, has been and always will be devoted to his country. Most of his acts motivate on love and devotion for Rome. Him and Julius Caesar were good friends ,but since he is convinced by the other conspirators that Caesar is a tyran , which will bring destruction and evil to Rome if he is crowned, he must slay him .“As he was fortunate , I rejoice at it . As he was valiant I honour him; but, as he was ambitious, I slew him.,” This shows that Brutus’s motivation wasn’t for personal causes, but for his high devotion to Rome . If he wasn’t such a devoted man to his country, he would reason with his heart , which would tell him not to kill Caesar, because he is a loved friend of his. Even if he had to slay himself for the best of Rome, he would even do it, because of love and devotion. “ With this, I depart ,that , as I slew my best lover for the good of Rome, I have the same dagger for myself , when it shall please my country to need my death “. Brutus is known by his people as a highly honorable men, which indeed he is, all about honor . “ Romans, country men, and lovers, hear me for my cause, and be silent , that you may hear. Believe me for mine honour, and have respect to mine honour, that you may believe (……) Not that I loved Caesar less, but that I loved Rome more. “ He fully believes that his act against Caesar, is , pure honor, and that all romans who are true to their country, like he is , would’ve done the same thing if they were in his shoes. The people of Rome do believe and trust Brutus on what he says , even though his reasoning in the speech at Caesar’s funeral is very weak , which shows that the one part he put in about his honor, makes people trust him. He even rejects telling his own wife about the conspirator’s plans, until she proves him how well she can be trusted, because again, Brutus puts honor in front on anything.
After a lot of sleepless and tormented nights, finally, Brutus decides to join the conspirators , and kill his good friend, Caesar for honor and devotion to Rome. But the conspirator’s hidden reason behind Brutus’s back, is personal cause, because Cassius disliked Caesar and wanted power for himself, he was the ambitious one actually. But Brutus doesn’t realize all this soon enough, so I think that he did not achieve his goal . Even after his speech, the people or Rome shouted and scream “ Let Brutus be Caesar, let Brutus be our king!” , that shows that the people of Rome actually wanted a king, they didn’t want to keep the republic in place so bad, that they would kill a good friend. He was one of the only conspirators who’s motivation for killing Caesar was actually noble, and not just ambitious . But his guillableness made him go down to such a murderous and ambitious act with his other friends, the conspirators.